Variable Accounting Interface (Standard-Interface/Financial Accouting/Documentation/MOTIONDATA DMS/EN)
Customer and invoice data can be stored in an ASCII file or split into two files; If only one file is created, then there are also own record identifiers which organizationally separate the data.
Line Separator:
chr (13) + chr (10) (Hex: 0D0A)
Field Type
grade | description |
A | alpha |
N | Numeric (with leading zeros) |
D | Date (ddmmyy) |
Legend - Mandatory Fields
field | information |
M | Must contain information |
K | May contain information |
V | Field takes precedence over another specially marked field |
MD | Additional fields from MOTIONDATA DMS |
Control Codes in MOTIONDATA / Tax Codes in MOTIONDATA (only for information)
Motion data code | Type * | definition |
0 | U | VAT 0% |
1 | U | VAT 10% |
2 | U | VAT 20% (standard) |
5 | V | Input tax 20% |
6 | V | Input tax 0% |
7 | V | Input tax 10% |
A | U | Export - Third countries 0% |
L | U | Export EU IL 0% |
M | U | VAT not taxable 0% |
P | U | Tax exempt according to. A6 / 1 0 |
R | U | Income tax EU IR 0% |
U | V | Import EU 0% |
V | V | VAT not taxable 0% |
X | U | VAT exchange parts 10% (Germany) |
Type * | information |
M | value added tax |
V | pilot |
Fields without information must be filled with spaces. |
Record description of customer / customer information
The number column indicates the field index for the variable structure.
# | field name | Internal name | Type | comment |
1 | Record Type | cKontenArt | A | "K" (for customer), "L" for supplier |
2 | Company number | cFirma | N | Company number, which can be entered in the interface main menu |
3 | account number | cKontoNr | N | Customer Account Group + Kundat: Persnr |
4 | name1 | cName1 | A | Kundat: name1 |
5 | name2 | cName2 | A | Kundat: name2 |
6 | country | Cland | A | Kundat: Country |
7 | place | Cort | A | Kundat: City |
8 | Street | cStrasse | A | Kundat: Street |
9 | phone | cTelefon | A | Kundat: Tel_buero or Tel_privat |
10 | short name | cKurzName | A | Kundat: Name1 from 1 - 8 (mandatory field in the IBM financial system !!!) |
11 | ZIP Code | cPLZ | N | Kundat: Plz (Without blanks and hyphens; Attention: With Austrian adaptations the HS automatically takes only 4 places!) |
12 | Terms of payment | cZahlBed | A | Kundat: Zkond_cd |
13 | Title code | cAnredeCd | A | Kundat: Title |
14 | mobile phone | cTelMobil | A | Kundat: Tel_mobil |
15 | fax | cTeleFax | A | Kundat: Fax |
16 | cEMail | A | Kundat: Email | |
17 | uid | Cuid | A | Kundat: uid |
18 | address text | cAnredeText | A | Conversion from Anredecode |
19 | name1 | cName1Lang | A | Kundat: Name1 LANG |
20 | name2 | cName2Lang | A | Kundat: Name2 LANG |
21 | first name | cVorname | A | Kundat: First name_AB LANG |
22 | place | cOrtLang | A | Kundat: Location LANG |
23 | Street | cStrasseLang | A | Kundat: Street LANG |
24 | ZIP Code | cPLZLang | N | Kundat: Plz LANG |
25 | net days | nNettoTage | N | due date |
26 | Zessionscode | cZessionsCode | A | Zessionstextcode |
27 | tax number | cSteuerNr | A | Personal tax number (eg Italy, Poland) |
28 | bank code | cBankleitzahl | A | bank code |
29 | Bank Account | cBankKonto | A | bank account |
30 | debit | cBankeinzug | A | Direct debit registration |
31 | Customer revenue group | cKundenerloes | A | Customer revenue group (eg EXTSTD) |
32 | sales consultant | cLtz_Verk | A | Kundat.Ltz_Verk |
33 | Customer Service Advisor | cKdBerater | A | Kundat.KdBerater |
34 | parts seller | cEtVerkaeufer | A | Kundat.EtVekaeufer |
35 | nationality | cKundenKzLand | N | 1 = Austria, 2 = EU, 3 = third country |
36 | bank code | cBankleitzahlLang | C | Only available as an option, format 6.4.x! |
37 | cash discount deadline | nSkontoTage | N | Only available as an option, format 6.4.x! |
38 | Discount (Percentage) | nSkontoProzent | N | 2 preamble 2 decimal |
Record description billing documents / invoice information
The number column indicates the field index for the variable structure;
Amount fields always have their sign directly in the variable sentence structure.
Decimal separators can vary in variable record format, since they can be set in MD.
In variable record format, date fields always have the structure YYYYMMDD.
In Variable Record format, the first line may contain the column names depending on the MD setting.
# | field name | Internal name | Type | M / V / K | comment |
1 | company | cFirma | N | M | z. Eg "01" |
2 | booking text | cBuchText1 | A | K | Booking text 1st line → order number + "" + invoice code + "-" + invoice no. |
3 | Fremdbelegnr | cFremdBeleg | A | K | blanks |
4 | tax code | cSteuerCd | A | K | VAT code as in MD for the booking codes; ("M" + 20% Ust → "M20"); Blank for customer header posting |
5 | Terms of payment | cZahlBed | A | M | Terms of payment according to MD (Zkond_cd) |
6 | net payment | nNettoTage | N | V | Will only be turned off when advanced payment terms are enabled in the MOTIONDATA communication settings |
7 | cash discount deadline | nSkontoTage | N | V |
8 | Skontoproz. | nSkontoPro | N | V | 2 preamble 2 decimal places; is filled with "00.00" or discount percentage according to payment conditions of the operating data. |
9 | booking date | dBuchDatum | D | M | DDMMYY - is filled with the date of the day |
10 | document date | dBelegDatum | D | M | DDMMYY - will be filled with invoice date |
11 | OP-due date | dFaellDatum | D | V | DDMMYY - Filled if net days are deposited after the payment term (3.2) and in the communication settings of MOTIONDATA the extended payment conditions are activated |
12 | Discount due date | dSkontoDatum | D | V | DDMMYY - is filled with the invoice date or a "discount date" is determined with the discount days according to the operating data and the invoice date |
13 | Cost centre | cKostenStelle | N | K | Cost centre |
14 | document number | cBelegNr | N | M | Invoice number for orders |
15 | Have an account | cKontoHaben | N | M / K |
16 | Account debit | cKontoSoll | N | M / K |
17 | Voucher Account | cBelegHaben | N | M / K | For cash book entries from the procurement system, the original invoice number |
18 | Voucher Account Target | cBelegSoll | N | M / K | For cash book entries from the procurement system, the original invoice number |
19 | amount | nBuchBetrag | N | M | 2 decimal places with "." separate |
20 | VAT ID Account | cUIDKonto | N | K | zero |
21 | Tax ID number | Cuid | A | K | Will be filled with the customer's VAT number (if available) |
22 | accounting formula text 2 | cBuchText2 | A | K | Posting text 2nd line → blanks or vehicle information or customer number for postings to the cash account |
23 | currency | cWaehrung | A | K | currency code |
24 | Standard fuel consumption tax | nNova | N | K | Nova in% (integer!) Only for Austria! |
25 | tax amount | nSteuerBetrag | N | K | tax amount |
26 | completion | dFertigDatum | D | K | Completion date |
27 | currency translation | nKurs | N | K | 4 decimal places (only if 2 currencies are kept in the MD) |
28 | accounting formula code | cBuchKz | C | K | Transaction codes: |
29 | EU re-Kz. | cEUKz | C | K | IR → Intra-Community service |
30 | Tax special case | Special tax case | C | K | T → Not controllable |
31 | order type | cAufArt | C | K | MD Order type |
32 | Standard fuel consumption tax | lNovaPosition | C | K | T → Nova position (Only for Austria) |
33 | particulate Filter | lPartikelFilter | C | K | T → Diesel with particle filter |
34 | operation number | nBetriebsNr | N | K | Number of the invoicing company with leading zeros |
35 | Original tax code | cOrigSteuerCd | C | K | Original tax code |
36 | cash desk number | nKassenNr | N | K | Cash desk number. (only for cash bookings) |
37 | cash code | cKassenKz | C | K | H: Cash booking with customer number in the credit |
38 | customer | cKunde | A | MD | Customer name (last name + first name) |
39 | make | cFabrikat | A | MD | Brand + model text |
40 | matchcode | cMatchCode | A | MD | Vehicle matchcode |
41 | Int. Car Nr. | cIntFzNr | A | MD | Internal vehicle number |
42 | Off. Ref. | cAmtKz | A | MD | License number |
43 | recession code | lZession | A | K | (0 ... false, 1 ... true) |
44 | Customer Type Code | cKundenTyp | A | K | Customer type per invoice recipient (only filled for billing documents, not for cash bookings, etc.) |
45 | quantity indicator | nMengenKz | A | K | For vehicle entries, quantity 1 is entered here (HS-Finanzwesen), otherwise → Blank |
46 | Value Plate | lWarenKz | A | K | T → Invoice also contains goods; otherwise → F |
47 | Customer number Customer | cAuftragGeber | A | K | Debitornummer of the client, if this deviates from the invoice recipient |
48 | Account type debit account | SollKontenArt | A | K | Type of debit account |
49 | Account type Habenk. | HabenKontenArt | A | K | Type of credit account |
50 | Vehicle Docket | cFzgAktenNr | A | K | Vehicle File number |
51 | Extended cash register indicator | cKassenKzExt | A | K | AZ + → |
52 | spare parts invoice code | nTeilrechnungKz | N | K | > 0 ... posting belongs to a partial invoice process (1 = down payment, 2 = final invoice, 3 = balance down payment) |
53 | Vehicle type | cFahrzeugArt | A | K | Vehicle type Order header / vehicle's trunk |
54 | External ID | cExterneID | A | K | External ID for incoming invoices |
55 | stack Plate | nStapelKz | N | K | Used to differentiate or group the respective booking stacks |