Table of content
Customer and invoice data can be stored in an ASCII file or split into two files; If only one file is created, then there are also own record identifiers which organizationally separate the data.
The variable record format will also receive additional fields in the future, ie a third party based on this format should develop its converter so that not every newly added field causes incompatibilities.
chr (13) + chr (10) (Hex: 0D0A)
grade | description |
A | alpha |
N | Numeric (with leading zeros) |
D | Date (ddmmyy) |
field | information |
M | Must contain an indication |
K | May contain an indication |
V | Field takes precedence over another specially marked field |
MD | Additional fields from MOTIONDATA |
Motion data code | Type * | definition |
0 | U | VAT 0% |
1 | U | VAT 10% |
2 | U | VAT 20% (standard) |
5 | V | Input tax 20% |
6 | V | Input tax 0% |
7 | V | Input tax 10% |
A | U | Export - Third countries 0% |
L | U | Export EU IL 0% |
M | U | VAT not taxable 0% |
P | U | Tax exempt according to. A6 / 1 0 |
R | U | Income tax EU IR 0% |
U | V | Import EU 0% |
V | V | VAT not taxable 0% |
X | U | VAT exchange parts 10% (Germany) |
Type * | information |
M | value added tax |
V | pilot |
Fields without information must be filled with spaces. |
The number column indicates the field index for the variable sentence structure; in this case, the lengths are also irrelevant, they only apply to the format with the fixed sentence length.
# | field name | Internal name | Type | Lng. | From | To | comment |
1 | Record Type | cKontenArt | A | 1 | 1 | - | "K" (for customer), "L" for supplier |
2 | Company number | cFirma | N | 2 | 2 | 3 | Company number, which can be entered in the interface main menu |
3 | account number | cKontoNr | N | 7 | 4 | 10 | Customer Account Group + Kundat: Persnr |
4 | name1 | cName1 | A | 30 | 11 | 40 | Kundat: name1 |
5 | name2 | cName2 | A | 30 | 41 | 70 | Kundat: name2 |
6 | country | Cland | A | 3 | 71 | 73 | Kundat: Country |
7 | place | Cort | A | 22 | 74 | 95 | Kundat: City |
8th | Road | cStrasse | A | 30 | 96 | 125 | Kundat: Street |
9 | phone | cTelefon | A | 20 | 126 | 145 | Kundat: Tel_buero or Tel_privat |
10 | short name | cKurzName | A | 8th | 146 | 153 | Kundat: Name1 from 1 - 8 (mandatory field in the IBM financial system !!!) |
11 | Post Code | cPLZ | N | 5 | 154 | 158 | Kundat: Plz (Without blanks and hyphens; Attention: With Austrian adaptations the HS automatically takes only 4 places!) |
12 | Terms of payment | cZahlBed | A | 3 | 159 | 161 | Kundat: Zkond_cd |
13 | Title code | cAnredeCd | A | 3 | 162 | 164 | Kundat: Title |
14 | mobile phone | cTelMobil | A | 30 | 165 | 194 | Kundat: Tel_mobil |
15 | fax | cTeleFax | A | 30 | 195 | 224 | Kundat: Fax |
16 | cEMail | A | 50 | 225 | 274 | Kundat: Email | |
17 | uid | Cuid | A | 15 | 275 | 289 | Kundat: uid |
18 | address text | cAnredeText | A | 35 | 290 | 324 | Conversion from Anredecode |
19 | name1 | cName1Lang | A | 50 | 325 | 374 | Kundat: Name1 LANG |
20 | name2 | cName2Lang | A | 50 | 375 | 424 | Kundat: Name2 LANG |
21 | first given name | cVorname | A | 50 | 425 | 474 | Kundat: First name_AB LANG |
22 | place | cOrtLang | A | 50 | 475 | 524 | Kundat: Location LANG |
23 | Road | cStrasseLang | A | 50 | 525 | 574 | Kundat: Street LANG |
24 | Post Code | cPLZLang | N | 8th | 575 | 582 | Kundat: Plz LANG |
25 | net days | nNettoTage | N | 3 | 583 | 585 | due date |
26 | Zessionscode | cZessionsCode | A | 3 | 586 | 588 | Zessionstextcode |
27 | tax number | cSteuerNr | A | 20 | 589 | 608 | Personal tax number (eg Italy, Poland) |
28 | bank code | cBankleitzahl | A | 10 | 609 | 618 | bank code |
29 | Bank Account | cBankKonto | A | 40 | 619 | 658 | bank account |
30 | debit | cBankeinzug | A | 2 | 659 | 660 | Direct debit registration |
31 | Customer revenue group | cKundenerloes | A | 6 | 661 | 666 | Customer revenue group (eg EXTSTD) |
32 | sales consultant | cLtz_Verk | A | 5 | 667 | 671 | Kundat.Ltz_Verk |
33 | Customer Service Advisor | cKdBerater | A | 5 | 672 | 676 | Kundat.KdBerater |
34 | parts seller | cEtVerkaeufer | A | 5 | 677 | 681 | Kundat.EtVekaeufer |
35 | nationality | cKundenKzLand | N | 1 | 682 | 682 | 1 = Austria, 2 = EU, 3 = third country |
36 | bank code | cBankleitzahlLang | C | 20 | 683 | 702 | Only available as an option, format 6.4.x! |
37 | cash discount deadline | nSkontoTage | N | 3 | 703 | 705 | Only available as an option, format 6.4.x! |
38 | Skontoproz. | nSkontoProzent | N | 5 | 706 | 710 | 2 preamble 2 decimal |
- The number column indicates the field index for the variable sentence structure; in this case, the lengths are also irrelevant, they only apply to the format with the fixed sentence length.
- In the variable sentence structure, the first 5 fields are combined into one field information, they have more or less only historical significance.
- If a field has no number, it does not exist in variable format.
- Amount fields always have their sign directly in the variable sentence structure.
- If a field has no length or from / to information, then it does not exist in the fixed sentence format.
- Decimal separators can vary in variable record format, since they can be set in MD.
- In variable record format, date fields always have the structure YYYYMMDD.
- In Variable Record format, the first line may contain the column names depending on the MD setting.
# | field name | Internal name | Type | M / V / K | L | From | To | comment |
# | field name | Internal name | Type | M / V / K | L | From | To | comment |
1 | set mark | A | M | 1 | 1 | - | "3" | |
1 | takeover marks | A | M | 2 | 2 | 3 | blanks | |
1 | Record Type | A | M | 1 | 4 | - | "B" | |
1 | booking system | A | M | 2 | 5 | 6 | "FI" | |
1 | Actual booking | A | M | 1 | 7 | - | "A" | |
2 | tuning | A | M | 1 | 8th | - | blanks | |
3 | company | cFirma | N | M | 2 | 9 | 10 | z. Eg "01" |
4 | booking text | cBuchText1 | A | K | 20 | 11 | 30 | Booking text 1st line → order number + "" + invoice code + "-" + invoice no. |
5 | Fremdbelegnr | cFremdBeleg | A | K | 20 | 31 | 50 | blanks |
6 | tax code | cSteuerCd | A | K | 3 | 51 | 53 | VAT code as in MD for the booking codes; ("M" + 20% Ust → "M20"); Blank for customer header posting |
nUStPro | N | V | 2 | Created only from the FiBu converter base from the original control code | ||||
7 | Terms of payment | cZahlBed | A | M | 3 | 54 | 56 | Terms of payment according to MD (Zkond_cd) |
8th | net payment | nNettoTage | N | V | 3 | 57 | 59 | Will only be turned off when advanced payment terms are enabled in the MOTIONDATA communication settings |
9 | cash discount deadline | nSkontoTage | N | V | 3 | 60 | 62 |
10 | Skontoproz. | nSkontoPro | N | V | 5 | 63 | 67 | 2 preamble 2 decimal places; is filled with "00.00" or discount percentage according to payment conditions of the operating data. |
- | record number | nSatzNr | N | K | 7 | 68 | 74 | zero |
11 | booking date | dBuchDatum | D | M | 6 | 75 | 80 | DDMMYY - is filled with the date of the day |
12 | document date | dBelegDatum | D | M | 6 | 81 | 86 | DDMMYY - will be filled with invoice date |
13 | OP-due date | dFaellDatum | D | V | 6 | 87 | 92 | DDMMYY - Filled if net days are deposited after the payment term (3.2) and in the communication settings of MOTIONDATA the extended payment conditions are activated |
14 | Discount due date | dSkontoDatum | D | V | 6 | 93 | 98 | DDMMYY - is filled with the invoice date or a "discount date" is determined with the discount days according to the operating data and the invoice date |
15 | Cost centre | cKostenStelle | N | K | 7 | 99 | 105 | Cost centre |
16 | document number | cBelegNr | N | M | 7 | 106 | 112 | Invoice number for orders |
17 | Have an account | cKontoHaben | N | M / K | 7 | 113 | 119 |
18 | Account debit | cKontoSoll | N | M / K | 7 | 120 | 126 |
19 | Voucher Account | cBelegHaben | N | M / K | 7 | 127 | 133 | For cash book entries from the procurement system, the original invoice number |
20 | Voucher Account Target | cBelegSoll | N | M / K | 7 | 134 | 140 | For cash book entries from the procurement system, the original invoice number |
21 | booking amount | nBuchBetrag | N | M | 12 | 141 | 152 | 2 decimal places with "." separate |
- | sign | A | K | 1 | 153 | - | Sign of the amount (+/-) | |
22 | VAT ID Account | cUIDKonto | N | K | 7 | 154 | 160 | zero |
23 | Tax ID number | Cuid | A | K | 15 | 161 | 175 | Will be filled with the customer's VAT number (if available) |
24 | Booking text 2 | cBuchText2 | A | K | 20 | 176 | 195 | Posting text 2nd line → blanks or vehicle information or customer number for postings to the cash account |
25 | currency | cWaehrung | A | K | 3 | 196 | 198 | currency code |
26 | nova | nNova | N | K | 2 | 199 | 200 | Nova in% (integer!) |
27 | tax amount | nSteuerBetrag | N | K | 12 | 201 | 212 | tax amount |
28 | completion | dFertigDatum | D | K | 6 | 213 | 218 | Completion date |
29 | currency translation | nKurs | N | K | 12 | 219 | 230 | 4 decimal places (only if 2 currencies are kept in the MD) |
30 | Buchungskennz. | cBuchKz | C | K | 2 | 231 | 232 | Transaction codes: |
31 | EU re-Kz. | cEUKz | C | K | 2 | 233 | 234 | IR → Intra-Community service |
32 | Tax special case | Special tax case | C | K | 1 | 235 |
| T → Not controllable |
33 | order type | cAufArt | C | K | 3 | 236 | 238 | MD Order type |
34 | Nova position | lNovaPosition | C | K | 1 | 239 |
| T → Nova position |
35 | particulate Filter | lPartikelFilter | C | K | 1 | 240 |
| T → Diesel with particle filter |
36 | operation number | nBetriebsNr | N | K | 3 | 241 | 243 | Number of the invoicing company with leading zeros |
37 | Original tax code | cOrigSteuerCd | C | K | 1 | 244 |
| Original tax code |
38 | machine number | nKassenNr | N | K | 3 | 245 | 247 | Kassennr. (only for cash bookings) |
39 | cash mark | cKassenKz | C | K | 1 | 248 |
| H: Cash booking with customer number in the credit |
40 | customer | cKunde | A | MD | 50 | 249 | 298 | Customer name (last name + first name) |
41 | make | cFabrikat | A | MD | 50 | 299 | 348 | Brand + model text |
42 | matchcode | cMatchCode | A | MD | 20 | 349 | 368 | Vehicle matchcode |
43 | Int. Car Nr. | cIntFzNr | A | MD | 20 | 369 | 388 | Internal vehicle number |
44 | Off. Ref. | cAmtKz | A | MD | 10 | 389 | 398 | License number |
45 | Zessionskennzeichen | lZession | A | K | 1 | 399 | 399 | (0 ... false, 1 ... true) |
46 | Customer Type Code | cKundenTyp | A | K | 3 | 400 | 402 | Customer type per invoice recipient (only filled for billing documents, not for cash bookings, etc.) |
47 | quantity indicator | nMengenKz | A | K | 1 | 403 |
| For vehicle entries, quantity 1 is entered here (HS-Finanzwesen), otherwise → Blank |
48 | Value Plate | lWarenKz | A | K | 1 | 404 | 404 | T → Invoice also contains goods; otherwise → F |
49 | Customer number Customer | cAuftragGeber | A | K | 7 | 405 | 411 | Debitornummer of the client, if this deviates from the invoice recipient |
50 | Account type debit account | SollKontenArt | A | K | 1 | 412 |
| Type of debit account |
51 | Account type Habenk. | HabenKontenArt | A | K | 1 | 413 |
| Type of credit account |
- | Quantity field long | nMengenKzLang | A | K | 11 | 414 | 424 | 9999999.99+ Quantity field (For vehicle entries, quantity 1 is entered here (HS-Finanzwesen)) |
52 | Vehicle Docket | cFzgAktenNr | A | K | 20 | 425 | 444 | Vehicle File number |
53 | Extended cash register indicator | cKassenKzExt | A | K | 3 | 445 | 447 | AZ + → |
54 | Teilrechnungskz. | nTeilrechnungKz | N | K | 1 | 448 |
| > 0 ... posting belongs to a partial invoice process (1 = down payment, 2 = final invoice, 3 = balance down payment) |
55 | Vehicle type | cFahrzeugArt | A | K | 10 | 449 | 458 | Vehicle type Order header / vehicle's trunk |
56 | External ID | cExterneID | A | K | 50 | 459 | 508 | External ID for incoming invoices |
57 | stack Plate | nStapelKz | N | K | Used to differentiate or group the respective booking stacks | |||
58 | nFzHGesFall | N | Fahrzeughandelsgeschäftsfallart: 0 Standard | |||||
59 | cDokument | A | For customer posting, the name of the invoice original document is stored here, if the Bmd parameter is activated in the filedistributor. | |||||
60 | cAnnehmer | A | Acquirer / seller in case of AR, purchaser in ER case | |||||
61 | cAbteilung | A | At AR: Department according to order header | |||||
62 | cUnterAbteilung | A | For AR: Subdivision lt. Order header | |||||
63 | cFaGestNr | A | VIN | |||||
64 | cFabrikatCode | A | Make code | |||||
65 | cModellGruppe | A | model group | |||||
66 | cModellCode | A | model code | |||||
67 | cPosArt | A | Item type for order items (summarization must not be activated) | |||||
68 | cWarengruppe | A | Department for order items (summarization must not be activated) | |||||
69 | cHauptgruppe | A | Main group / revenue group for order items (summarization must not be activated) | |||||
70 | cUntergruppe | A | Part group / subgroup for order items (summarization must not be activated) | |||||
71 | cPosMitarbeiter | A | Position employee for order items (summarization must not be activated) | |||||
72 | cKostenartCode | A | Cost element code for internal order items (summarization must not be activated) | |||||
73 | cBonuscode | A | Manufacturer bonus code for vehicle revenue accounting items |