Table of contents
Inhalt | |||
Customer and invoice data can be stored in an ASCII file or split into two files; If only one file is created, then there are also own record identifiers which organizationally separate the data.
Line Separator:
chr (13) + chr (10) (Hex: 0D0A)
Field Type
grade | description |
A | alpha |
N | Numeric (with leading zeros) |
D | Date (ddmmyy) |
Legend - Mandatory Fields
field | information |
M | Must contain information |
K | May contain information |
V | Field takes precedence over another specially marked field |
MD | Additional fields from MOTIONDATA DMS |
Control Codes in MOTIONDATA / Tax Codes in MOTIONDATA (only for information)
Motion data code | Type * | definition |
0 | U | VAT 0% |
1 | U | VAT 10% |
2 | U | VAT 20% (standard) |
5 | V | Input tax 20% |
6 | V | Input tax 0% |
7 | V | Input tax 10% |
A | U | Export - Third countries 0% |
L | U | Export EU IL 0% |
M | U | VAT not taxable 0% |
P | U | Tax exempt according to. A6 / 1 0 |
R | U | Income tax EU IR 0% |
U | V | Import EU 0% |
V | V | VAT not taxable 0% |
X | U | VAT exchange parts 10% (Germany) |
Type * | information |
M | value added tax |
V | pilot |
Fields without information must be filled with spaces. |
Record description of customer / customer information
The number column indicates the field index for the variable structure.
# | field name | Internal name | Type | comment |
1 | Record Type | cKontenArt | A | "K" (for customer), "L" for supplier |
2 | Company number | cFirma | N | Company number, which can be entered in the interface main menu |
3 | account number | cKontoNr | N | Customer Account Group + Kundat: Persnr |
4 | name1 | cName1 | A | Kundat: name1 |
5 | name2 | cName2 | A | Kundat: name2 |
6 | country | Cland | A | Kundat: Country |
7 | place | Cort | A | Kundat: City |
8 | Street | cStrasse | A | Kundat: Street |
9 | phone | cTelefon | A | Kundat: Tel_buero or Tel_privat |
10 | short name | cKurzName | A | Kundat: Name1 from 1 - 8 (mandatory field in the IBM financial system !!!) |
11 | ZIP Code | cPLZ | N | Kundat: Plz (Without blanks and hyphens; Attention: With Austrian adaptations the HS automatically takes only 4 places!) |
12 | Terms of payment | cZahlBed | A | Kundat: Zkond_cd |
13 | Title code | cAnredeCd | A | Kundat: Title |
14 | mobile phone | cTelMobil | A | Kundat: Tel_mobil |
15 | fax | cTeleFax | A | Kundat: Fax |
16 | cEMail | A | Kundat: Email | |
17 | uid | Cuid | A | Kundat: uid |
18 | address text | cAnredeText | A | Conversion from Anredecode |
19 | name1 | cName1Lang | A | Kundat: Name1 LANG |
20 | name2 | cName2Lang | A | Kundat: Name2 LANG |
21 | first name | cVorname | A | Kundat: First name_AB LANG |
22 | place | cOrtLang | A | Kundat: Location LANG |
23 | Street | cStrasseLang | A | Kundat: Street LANG |
24 | ZIP Code | cPLZLang | N | Kundat: Plz LANG |
25 | net days | nNettoTage | N | due date |
26 | Zessionscode | cZessionsCode | A | Zessionstextcode |
27 | tax number | cSteuerNr | A | Personal tax number (eg Italy, Poland) |
28 | bank code | cBankleitzahl | A | bank code |
29 | Bank Account | cBankKonto | A | bank account |
30 | debit | cBankeinzug | A | Direct debit registration |
31 | Customer revenue group | cKundenerloes | A | Customer revenue group (eg EXTSTD) |
32 | sales consultant | cLtz_Verk | A | Kundat.Ltz_Verk |
33 | Customer Service Advisor | cKdBerater | A | Kundat.KdBerater |
34 | parts seller | cEtVerkaeufer | A | Kundat.EtVekaeufer |
35 | nationality | cKundenKzLand | N | 1 = Austria, 2 = EU, 3 = third country |
36 | bank code | cBankleitzahlLang | C | Only available as an option, format 6.4.x! |
37 | cash discount deadline | nSkontoTage | N | Only available as an option, format 6.4.x! |
38 | Discount (Percentage) | nSkontoProzent | N | 2 preamble 2 decimal |
Record description billing documents / invoice information
- The number column indicates the field index for the variable structure;
- Amount fields always have their sign directly in the variable sentence structure.
- Decimal separators can vary in variable record format, since they can be set in MD.
- In variable record format, date fields always have the structure YYYYMMDD.
- In Variable Record format, the first line may contain the column names depending on the MD setting.